Canada/US team develops a new “anit-cancer” drug!

National Post: “A team of Canadian and U.S. researchers has developed a new “sharp-shooter” drug they hope may be a breakthrough in treating several types of aggressive cancer.”

  • Known as “CFI-400945”, this drug targets a specific enzyme found in certain types of breast, ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer. 
  • These results are only from tests on specially-bred mice. Human Cancers can be far more complex.
  • Different than Chemotherapy, which tends to destroy health cells along with the cancerous ones, CFI-400945 allows for a virtually individually designed cancer-fighting solution
  • An acceptance for testing by the FDA and Health Canada would allow for human testing on 30 volunteers with breast or ovarian cancer. 

“I cannot promise you that it will work,” … “But we promise you this is the beginning,” – Mak


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