Experiment 1: The Importance of “Follow Backs”- MID-WEEK

For those of you following, here’s a quick update on the Twitter Follower mini-project as outlined in my previous article: TESTING THE IMPORTANCE OF “FOLLOW BACKS”

Recap: June 24th I reduced number of Twitter Users that I am following to 68, and a total of 81 Users following me. This resulted in bringing, what I like to consider my “Influencer Ratio” from 1:0.92 to 1:1.21. This means that for every one user that I follow, 1.21 users follow me. I find this ratio works as it levels the playing field for users who are “niche market” influencers.

Goal: The Goal of this short-term experiment is to not only decipher how many users partake in the “follow back” trend (regime, or courtesy- depending on who you talk to), but to also see at which point in the week these users conduct such practices.

My hypothesis is either Friday or Next Monday.

Thursday Morning

As I write this, it is Thursday morning, and I current sit with 69 following and 81 followers. Resulting in an IR of 1:1.17. Note that the ratio is lower than that previously stated due to the fact that I’ve increased the number of users that I’m following by 1 User.

Although this ratio high, it is important to note that, as stated previously, I believe that most twitter users (especially professionals) request for updates and analytic reports to be sent on a weekly basis. This report would outline who has followed and who has unfollowed the account.

It is my belief that once this report comes to the attention fo the user (most likely on Friday or Monday, they will be quick to unfollow me back.

Updates to Come!

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